Thursday, July 30, 2009
think i'm gonna be sick of orange soon... =/
maybe it's a mistake screaming at my group members to send me their reports in orange font...
now i'm going to edit the shit and it's in orange and it's giving me the headache and i'm on the verge of puking...
this whole thing sucks alot.
and i still haven even started on my slides... i'm so screwed...
and i've been pon-ing thursday trng... =/
my senior is breathing down my neck on why i'm not going for thurs trng...
like wth am i supposed to sae?
i seriously hate running and i have no idea why the hell i signed up for tri?
blegh......die lahz.....
and i'm getting fat... shit...i keep on eating and feeling hungry super fast... damnit...
shall go on a diet alr... maybe going for thurs trng is not that bad of an idea...
i'm tired...this blog post is getting depressing...
bye... back to the report..shit...
please let me survive this shit.
11:51 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
hahaz! omg..i forgot wad i wan to blog about alr. less than 24 hours i'm hoping i can watch at least 45 mins of torres playing football.
since gerrard didn't come to singapore i guess i'll have to settle for second best... =(
i'm not as hyped up as i thought i would be...
probably because Gerrad din come or probably because it's being shadowed by the thot of having three quizzes in the coming week...
haiz sian....
but funny...somehow i've never doubted that i would one day go to Liverpool one more time and actually see Gerrard in the flesh... =/
it's like something i HAD to do...and i'm just waiting for the right time to come and do it...
ouh well... shall see how it is tmr.. =D!
ahhhhhh...i really forgot wad i wan to blog abt...there's like this list of things i want to blog abt IN MY HEAD.
but i can't seem to find the list in my head now...
shitttttttttt! got a feeling it's gone forever.. hahahah!
ouh well...
i better study!!
jiayou alison!
2:13 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
had my first real pissed off feeling towards karen.
and yes...i'm going to blame it all on my post menstrual syndrom.
karen din want to have lunch...and just wanted to study...
bloody hell...early in the morning ask me study...
and i super dun feel like studying at tt tym lorhz. and she effing force me to study...
wtf. i'm like....fuck you lahz.
was all i could do to not explode right infront of her and just walked away.
besides it's the only break time i have for the whole fucking day and my break was at 12 and i have to wait till fucking 5pm till school ends.
fucking hate it when i'm being forced to study when i don't want to...
wad's worse was when i agreed to not go and eat lunch and sit down at some bench along the corridor..karen keep on asking me to study lehz study lehz...
bloody heck! i've given you enough face to not just leave you and go eat with the guys alr and now you're forcing me to do something i don't want...
fuck you lah!
be happy i just said "don't talk to me."
walau.... i so wanted to scream at you and sae fuck off you bitch!
omg.... ok...calm down alison....
see?!?! stupid PMS.
but ok lahz...i didn't went ballistic...
poor alina was like damn scared lahz...feel so guilty... =/
ouh well....
i seriously need to start studying alr...
but i'm not having any motivation to study!
die lahz... haiz...
helpppppppppp! =(
and and and Gerrard is not coming to singapore!!
haiz..sad...but nvm... i'll see him soon!! ONE DAY!
ahhhh lazy... bye!
10:56 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
hahaz! the worse is over. =D!
but the worse isn't really that bad...
the race was quite fun i guess... except for the part of me having to wake up at 5:15am...
a whole new experience... =)
was surprised my leg didn't cramp while running...
at the beginning of the run i could feel my muscles tighten and going to cramp dun wan cramp liddat... =/
and running up a slope is nuts.
hahaz! but it was fun...unknowingly got second... but there's like 9 girls participating only...
LOL! i like the swimming part was fun! hehehe!
the feel of the adrenaline rush... AWESOME.
aft the race me and karen went to take bus to AMK hub.
hahaz! but in the end we went to Marina Square cuz AMK hub's subway is filled with ppl and there's no seat...
so we went to Marina Square to eat subway... hehehehe!
aft tt slept at subway while karen did homework... hahaz!
subway's environment is nice..very homey.... =)
was damn tired... and my body starts to ache... =/
i seriously need to accompany my new husband soon...
OH OH OH!!! one more thing!
when i was on the train back to pasir ris there's this DAMN CUTE and GOOD-LOOKING GUY sitting opposite me!
hahahahahahaha!! he's really cute... and i keep stealing glances of him...LOL! i bet he thinks i'm weird or something... ouh well...
i see happy can liaoz.. HEHE!
i'm kinda looking forward to next weekend... =D!
there's that Liverpool match and Karen's birthday chalet! HEHEHEHEHE!
think it's gonna be fun... WEEEEEEE! =D!
and i think i MAY fall in love with biathlon...
something like wushu... hahaz! it's nice to have a new sport to get into... =)
but i need to train on my running.. =(
oh well...
tired...but still need to go out and have dinner!
i'm hungry! =/
lalalalalalalala! BYEEEEEEEE! =)
cause i'm damned if i do ya, damned if i don't!
7:10 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
WOW. been a long tym since i'm this tired... =/
and i have no idea why i'm still online blogging when i'm tired...
sian...there's work tmr... =( not looking forward to it...
then on saturday i have that damn race...shit...
i'm tired...i'm seriously going to live in my bed for the weekend after the race end...
i regretted joining mannnnn!
zzz..nvm... for that twenty bucks.. =(
ANYWAY! i slept at 3am yesterday!
hahahaz!'s like been a long tym since i slept at 3am...
and i was like a zombie today... damn tired...was up all night chionging my fasc report...
dumb ass..but at least i sort of finished alr... but i have no idea whether i'm doing the right thing... =/ bed is calling me alr! MY NEW HUSBAND! =D!
hehehehe! BYEEEEEEE!
may i survive the weekend! =/

i swear Youm isn't that innocent as she looks...
pictures tells a thousand word! hehehe!

check out All Time Low new album...kinda awesome...
likes Damned if i do ya, damned if i don't...
hehehehe! their songs are so tongue in cheek...
12:16 AM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
=/ not long ago one of my hamster went away...
but there's someone gave me one hamster.
weird... it's like totally came out of no where...
the person even put one of my hammie to live with another hammie so that the new hammie got place to live...
but at the same time causing my that two hammie to fight...
dumb ass...if wan give me hamster also give cage right?!
stupid...but nvm..the hammie looks cute...
it's like tiny...and black...and looks like... hamster...
i no more space alr.. =(
ANYWAY! things have been ok i guess...
keep on getting these little moments where i just feel that i will fail FASC
and i have to retake the damn bloody subject and screw up my whole timetable
and and and be seperated from my class... =/
it's scary... which is probably the reason why i WAS studying fasc before i found out someone put some hammie to my tank...
i freaking hope i will NOT fail this dumb subject...
not only i'm gonna be seperated.. i have to freaking RETAKE the subject AGAIN.
and once is torturous enough.. =/
haiz.. gotta start studying... =(
main exam is coming soon... shit.
oh! and i've registered for the NYP biathlon... =/
sort of regretted it the moment i finished registered...
but i paid the money alr...which i think it's paying 20 bucks to go there and get tortured...
why did i even sign up for it?! dumb ass...
sobs... but it's ok...kinda excited bout it in a way...HAHAH!
shit..i'm so fickle minded...
11:52 PM
Friday, July 10, 2009
there's trng tmr! at ECP! =( open water somemore...
which means we'll be swimming in the seaaaaaaaa!
BUT BUT BUT BUT my parents don't allow me to goooooo!
RAAAAAAAAAAAH! it's really nice if they can see me as someone who is older.
i feel like a primary school kid all over again...
being all super excited at the thought of going to the zoo (minus the consent form part) but then being told by ur parents that you can't go. =(
and i just told my manager that i'm not going to work. and it's all for nothing.
=( shit...means i have nth on tmr! could have gone and earn some money..even though i dun really wan to see the person's face... =/
sian lahz...wad's the use of joining tri when i couldn't even swim in the freaking sea?!
zzz. ok...ironic how i'm so lazy i'm not even signing up for the NYP Biathlon... =/
but still!! =(
and maybe i would just joing the NYP one...sounds fun...
can get me focused on some other things other than wadever i'm thinking these days...
hmmmm...maybe. i seriously need to get a life.
and i seriously suck as a leader... =/
i'm super super guilty and feel damn damn seriously... haiz...
i'm not doing a good job and i really scared tt i'm going to cause the group to do badly for this shit ass project.. =(
and i seriously shld stop saying seriously...
i'll be lucky if i can even do well academically... =/
and i shld seriously stop saying seriously.......
btw youm! saw the note...thx! =)
ANYWAY! there's BANGS on my head.
i think it looks weird... =/
or maybe i'm just not used to it... but shld be ok bahz... =/ something different.
HAHA! Guan Rui (my class chairman) asked me what made me go cut bangs...
i'm quite surprised by the question actually..hahaz!
guess i wan to try something new cause i'm sick of the same thing?
guess people change and move on. =/
but anyway..back to the topic...
it looks seriously weird and ugly when tied up... =/ shit.
and and and my forehead sweats easily...
ahhhh wadever!
i got thrashed in daytona today. =(
sadded. my reputation of daytona girl is thrashed!!!!
noooooooooooooooo! hahaha! but it was fun...
advanced map is....advanced... LOL!
and i just realised that * is good at percussion freaks!
hahaz! i hope no one in my class is seriously reading this... =/
wanted to sae something but stopped myself JUST IN CASE on a small chance there is someone reading...
can't risk it... LOL! youm noe wad i'm thinking though... i think...
crap... need to find something to do tmr alr...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! WHYYYYYYY?! =(
maybe swimming on my own or with karen...hehehehe! not bad eh....
gotta get some fats off me...
it's sticking to me like plagues(sp?)...
ok....having a date tmr soooon! WHOHOOO! =D!
i'm hungry... =/
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! WANYI! i wan pictures!! faster!!
till whenever! =D!
i didn't take my love away. but i'm leaving you alone.
11:30 PM
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
HAHAHAHAHAHA! okok..i'm like super happy now.
LOL! i just came back from opening the letterbox!
WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and my stuff arrivedddddddddd!! =D! =D!
man..been a long tym since i felt like tt....
byeeeeeeee! =D!
stupid...all the good mood has been spoiled thx to FASC.
shit. almost puked while finding how the effing hell the bloody A380 land.
i swear i almost puked and it's so freaking god damn pissed...
shitass... and after so long i still have not found any...
bloody heck. this sucks.
8:38 PM
Monday, July 06, 2009
blogger's getting weird... =/
i can't upload one pic at a tym...have to be more than one...
and i keep on wanting to type weird as wierd...
it's weird for weird to be wierd...
it's been raining alot these few days...
i likey... =) rainy days just have this homey feeling...
ahhhhhhhh. but it freezes the hell out of us during lectures...
shall live with it... =D!
ANW! i bought stuff online!! AGAIN! hehehe!
and omg..if everything is going well with the mailing side...
i'll get my stuff TMR! =DDDD!
can't wait! hehehehe! been a long tym since i looked forward to receiving something through my letterbox...
shit..and i shld stop staring at the picture of the stuff i bought online...
if only staring at it will make it arrive faster... i'm sure the things would have appeared right in front of me alr.
oh! and in the end i'm not going for the NYP race... i'm too lazy alr...and i'm not going for the night cycling too... =/
cuz my dad doesn't allow me... =(
it's probably time for them to stop thinking that i'm still SMALL.
and tt i'm actually SEVENTEEN.
geez. dad says i can't go night cycling unless it's with erjie... =(
nvm nvm. there's still time..
for now i shall be daddy's little girl... HEHE! =)
and i'm getting fat. like seriously.
i keep on getting hungry super fast... =(
maybe i shld try not thinking bout food for one day and reward myself bubble tea if i managed to NOT say the words "i'm hungryyyyy!"
hmmm...not bad... SHALL START TMR!
OH OH OH OH!! and today i finally worn my 41.65 dollars shorts!
WAHAHAHAHAH! have no idea how happy i was..
i'm like super high today thanks to my shorts...
i think the colour gives me good aura... LOL!
if only there are more shorts tt fits my butt... =/
anyway...have to start studying alr! =D!
jiayou alison! need to buck up and kill everything...
quiz is going to start killing us... and i better be ready for it...
i know i can do it... GO GO!

hehe! i like this pic! =D!
miss wanyi alot... =(

it looks like we're in the studio..hahaz!
it's pretty! =D!
if only i have the guts and strength to hit the bloody POS in the nuts.
i swear i would do it.
but somehow i just seriously can't be bothered.and wouldn't have the guts anyway.
let the truth bite THE ass.
maybe it'll do THE person some good.
just waiting for it to ALL happen.
and seriously? dun come crying to me when it DO happen.
even when it doesn't happen i'll continue to wait for it to happen anw.
cuz it pisses the hell out of me.
and right now...i pretty much despise THE person.
shall go look at my pretty circuit analysis tutorial now.
ain't life a bitch.
11:44 PM