Tuesday, April 28, 2009

went to drink BBT and eat cheese fries with pig at 201 yest!
damn i miss her super much! too bad youm or WY can't join us... haiz...
it's nv gonna be the same..
all our timetables clash like nobody's buisness.
and i talked to LOVE yest!! been like a gazillion years since i talk to her!
OMG. busy man.
and all tt talk bout finding a bf in poly. HAH! bullshit.
you're so busy it's seriously a wonder how you can go look for someone nice or even if you can look for someone tt fits the bill it's like so busy to maintain a relationship lahz!
for me anw.
everytyn i go sch all i wan to do is just faster finish classes and go home and slp.
then when i reach home...i'll eat...use comp or maybe watch tv then slp.
so tired can?! oh! and working...
haiz... so busy and packed. SIAN ARH!
oh! and i'm going to be even more busy! WHOHOO!
there's gonna be triathlon trng every wed and thur. 6-8.
die man... but tink it's gonna be fun! HAHAHA!
karen is joining with meeeeeeeeee! =D!
oh btw...Karen is one of the five girls in my class.
HAHAHA! i tink some guys tink we're lesbians... LOL!
dun blame them since there's like no good guys around us.
gonna be so dead if someone frm my class sees this man...
but i dun tink anyone will see lahz..no one frm my class noes this blog anw...zzz
ouh well... OH! and Alina's b'dae is coming!
need to plan something man! ahhhhhhhhh!
tmr still got woooooork.
i wan to bump into jing/pig/chui/whoever i noe whenever i'm in school!!
not looking.not searching.can't be bothered.just take me back to where i come from.
7:44 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
too. lazy. to. post.
9:18 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009

U901 =)
sooooo first day of sch....
was boring...felt like slping alr during the first five minutes of lecture... zzz
WRTORAL was ok...although quite sian... 2 hours...
and we have to prepare a 2-3 minutes presentation next week. wtf.
had lunch with husband today!! HAHA!
and saw jing on the way to bookshop!
heehee! i screamed when i saw her man..hahaz! GOT FATE!!! =D!
oh oh oh!! and manu lost!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!
so happy..heehee!
haiz...sian sia...ouh well..
i'm getting bored of blogging alr..
haiz...feels like there's lots to talk bout but i can't seem to type it out...too lazy alr..
soooooo BYEEEEEE! =D!
7:47 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
poly's starting tmr.
haiz. have to start tuning my body clock and work extra hard alr... =(
haiz...sian arhz!!
just when i'm sort of looking forward to work...i just have to start sch...
was talking to Wanyi!! hahaz! damn i miss her... LOL!
suddenly feel like just calling up lots of ppl just to hear their voice..
and i dun feel like blogging anymore... LOL!
maybe blog more tmr.. =)
byeeeeeee! =D!
11:16 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
hahaz!! hmmm...i forgot wad i wan to sae alr..
hahahahahaha! shit...
ok...i just like stared at this page for like.. 5 mins...
orientation! ok..so overall it's not bad...
somehow my class SORT OF bonded during the second day...
hahaz! the girls kinda bonded too cuz there's like only 5 girls and i tink it's kinda like a sure thing tt the girls will come tgt..
they all seem nice..for now... =/
oh! and i'm kinda freaking out alr...cuz there's like physics...and i have no freaking tiny bit of basics at all...
hope i wun like die...
my mentors are not bad... somehow our class only listens to our mentors and not the level leaders...
hahaz! my level leader kinda sad...keep on kena jack by our class...lolx!
oh!! today when we were waiting for our food to arrive...there's like business school ppl walking pass...
then my LL was like... eh business school!
omg..then the guys was like...omg! business school!! and i swear they all chionged there and see you noe!?!?!
omg...hahaz!! and they actually like pose and act cool and STARE at the girls...
i swear i'm not exagerating...
ok..maybe a lil..but it was somewhere close...
hahaz!! FUNNY lahz!! then my mentors had to like...GUYS STOP LOOKING AND COME BACK...
OH! and i sort of went high when i heard Lollipop song today during the Director speech!!
hahahahahahaha! LOVE!!
i kinda lack behind all the big bang news and stuff alr...
haiz..sadded...cuz no one to propaganda me..sobs sobs...
oh!! and my boss actually wanted to buy Big Bang album for me!! ok..not really for me but for the restaurant...cuz i asked why there's no korean song..
hahaz!!! omg...i love my boss!! he actually said... i miss you when i told him i'm not goin to work for 3 days.. LOL! and did the tear thingy... hahaz!
i swear it's super korean environment and may would prolly just die of happiness there...
kinda looking forward to saturday... hahaz!
ouh well...till...whenever!! =D!
feels like a million years since i used computer...
hahaz! kk!! sayonara!!!!
10:30 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009

hahaz! just one picture to spice up the post... =)
been very busy these few days...in just abt one week plus..i've alr earned wad i earned in 2 mnths...
hahaz! and school is starting!
kinda looking forward to it.. =)
and work is great... though busy...
my boss who is a korean is not bad..he actually helps out and even wash the dishes!
hahaz! cool eh? and LOVE thinks tt our uniform is nice... hahahaz!! YUCK! it's PINK for god's sake!
and LOVE came and find me todaaaaaaaaaay!! =D!
was super duper happy!! hahaz!!
saw nicholas too...oh oh!! and Evan!but he nv see me... omg...
hahaz! FYI...Evan is my primary school crush...
HAHAHA! i dun tink he noe tt though.. LOL!
and i had a crush on him for like...3 years can?!?!
hahaz! tink maybe it's becuz he was my monitor... =/
anw!! i'm kinda enjoying work..the ppl there are all very friendly and it's a not bad working environment.. =D! am i going to jinx it aft saying tt? i hope not.. =/
haiz..ok..i'm super tired now..gtg alr!!
till whenever i'm not busy!
i love you guys!!
and Liverpool WON!!!
and i shall not freaking talk abt tt chelsea match...
waste my slp only.... bloody hell...
syafiq! dun be too happy!! got second league!!
byeeeeeeeeee!! =D!
12:04 AM
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
i'm back to going head over heels in love with Jimmy Lin.
hahaz! he's too cute and he dun freaking look like 30+ years old..
damn..i wish someone can be with me to go crazy over him...
LOL! youming!!! go watch My Lucky Star again!!
din work today(tues) and today(wed)!!
hahaz!! but thurs is the opening and i have to work AT LEAST 6 hours.
gosh...i hope i can survive... =/
supposed to go out with Wy and Pig today..but then i fell sick and was too weak to go out so it was cancelled...
pig came over!! =D! miss her lots...long tym nv see her alr..
ahhhhhh...poly is starting!!
i'm super super scared tt my course does not have any girls..other than me... =/
wad if really dun have?!?!
omg...then i'll be so girl deprived.. =/
and i'm scared tt i'll regret my choice too... haiz...
hopefully i wun... although i'm still able to change courses but then i'll nv hear the end of it frm my parents...
so i better stick it out for tt three years and pray tt i love my course as i do now...
haiz..sian arhz!! SCHOOL STARTING!!
tinking of quitting my job alr..wth..
nvm..i'll see how when poly starts..
hope i'll still have tym for my family and friends.. =)
kk! i gtg!! told may tt i'll be sleeping at 12... heehee!!
12:31 AM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
feels like a long tym since i slept till 12+ 1 alr...
these few days have been busy...
gonna start chionging work and school is starting soon alr.
why does it always have to be so busy when sch is starting?
damn...thw whole of next week is pretty much booked and i'm dreading the coming week...
gonna work on thurs fri sat and sun...
then the following week have orientation...
shit. aft orientation poly starts!!
omg... so fast...
just like tt 6 months of holiday is gone like tt...
kinda sad.. =/
ahhhh...so tired...gonna need to tune my body clock alr...
i feel like some wierd zombie whenever i wakes up before 12pm.
din really have time to meet up with pig and wy and love... =/
i din even call love alr!!
oh no...
haiz...gonna have to try harder...
anw...going to chung cheng again tmr...
suhui's competing...then...i dunno...MAYBE meet up with pig for lunch...
heehee! then tues meeting up with Pig and Wy! =D!
lalalalala! but gonna meet at 3:30! so i can slp till...3! then go meet them!!
hahaz!! haiz...the thot of going to sch...
anyway! had a bloody god damn scare yest night!!
omg...Liverpool was soooooo damn close to draw-ing with Fulham!
wtheck...i was sooo desperate i swear...it pretty much feelsl ike the end of the world...
but then they still won 1-0! hahaz!
i'm so not going to say anything more next tym man...
better dun jinx it!!! hahaz!!
and wthhhhhhhhhhhhh!
my manager just called and ask me to go work tmr... shit.
having second thots of going to chung cheng... =/
see how first....
7:27 PM
Thursday, April 02, 2009
sian...there's work tmr...
ok..not really work...orientation...or so wad my manager calls it...
have no idea wad i'm goin to do there...but more or less just familiarising the stuff there and wad not...
haiz...so sian..i have to wake up EARLY.
cuz i'm meeting her at 12noon.
haiz...was looking forward to slping REALLY late on friday cuz we plan to not go to see them compete...
ouh well...at least i get paid...or i hope i do...
went CCHSM early to accompany jingyu cuz she has to wait till 5+ for her event to start...
and she won second!! =D!
zhangqian is damn awesome.
anw...i'm rewatching My Lucky Star again...
heehee...ahhhh...and i'm falling in love with Lin Zhi Ying again...
omg..i need my own love story to start soon...
if not i'll be so damn bored tt i keep on fantasising useless lame shit no real ending love stories...
ouh well...
tired...feels like a million years since i talked to tt Pig.
eh pig! it doesn't hurt for you to msg me/wanyi at least once a day to tell us you're alive!
i noe you're tired entertaining ur relatives but dun forget us ok?!
Keep In Touch Piggo! =)
byeeeeee! gonna slp early today...
wake up too early these few days liaoz...zzz.
11:13 PM
I am officially in love with YOUUUUU!! =)
hahaz! nono...not just you...but you and you and you!! =D!
inter school wushu competition today...at chung cheng high school main.
FINALLY met up with wendy jingyu suhui and kevin!
hahaz!! omg..i love them soooo much!
all those gossip and bitching and wadever shit we did...miss them like hell.
i swear nothing...NOTHING beats this...
suhui competed today...and won third...freaking happy for her!
hahaz! plus there's jingyu and wendy for company!!
ahhhhhhh! they are soooo GOD DAMNED LOVED!
went to the lake and sit down and chat and gossip and bitch...
hahaz! we must be one of the few who could make a one sided conversation about safety pins to be so R21 rated...
sort of camwhored there.
and i'm proud to sae tt ngee ann wushu guys are GAY.
yes...tt includes clifford and gary and kevin!
gary is like our sister...like seriously...
kevin...well..he is pretty much in love with clifford..
and clifford...haha! i'm sure we noe why...
and i noe picture tells a thousand words...but then i'm afraid i can't post them...
cuz it's too...gay.
hahaz!! anyway...it's late!
and i still need to meet wendy at 12!
just a few pics for you guys! =D!

i am soooooo NOT tip-toeing...


i shall not jinx wadever i wan to sae by posting it...but i'm sure all of us feels the same way...
=) WO AI NI MEN!! =D!
p/s: ok...so they are not really gay...but wouldn't be surprised if you mistook... HAHA! =)
i think i can finally move on!thank you! aft 5 years and i'm FREEEEE!
12:50 AM