Friday, February 27, 2009

Ikuta Toma! =D!

Shirota Yu! =)
am in a very Jap fan mode now.
hee! =D!
i love ikuta toma!
can be my new found love one.
heehee. maybe even cuter and sexier than Seungri.
lolx!! he's damn freaking cute lahz!! omg!
and now i'm watching hana kimi AGAIN on my dvd.
hahahaz! i swear i can sit on the sofa for the whole day and squeal non stop at the sight of Nakatsu aka Ikuta Toma! heeheeeeee!
he act in one jap drama called Voice.
it's still ongoing.. =) looks nice!! WAHAHAHAHA!
wait till everything is out before CHIONGING!
lalalalalala! i swear he's sexy!
ANYWAY! Liverpool Won!! =D!
it was worth sacrificing slp for. =)
slept at 6am today. the moment i sis woke up for work.
hahaz! ouh well... i'm too happy!
probably more pimples will go popping up my head soon...
but who cares... hee!
miss the times where i hav to crawl out of my bed and quietly creep to my living room and on the tv to watch champs league man...
good memories...hahaz!
i still rmb once when my mum came out of her room in the middle of the match...i was so scared she would scold me tt i seriously FROZE on the sofa. not daring to move an inch.
hahahahaz! i got scolded anyway... hee! =D!
anw! i tink i go continue my hana kimi!
byeeeee ppl!
i miss wanyi! love! pig! jing! husband!
12:03 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
heehee! i already bought my hana kimi jap DVD!!!
it's cheap. like seriously. it's even cheaper than the taiwan one!
heehee! i'm freaking happy!!! =D!
oh oh oh! watched Look For A Star today with kor kor! hahaz! it's nice... =) very sweet.if you guys have time...go catch it! before it stops screening!!=D! oh! and Liverpool vs Real Madrid later!!!
omg... please please please!!! dun lose!! a draw will do!!
of course! win best lahz!
YESSSSS!!!!!hmmm...something's feeling wierd. i can't put my finger on it...
ok mayb i do... and everything just feels wierd. maybe it's just me...hmmm...
probably... nvm... just take it as it goes...LIVERPOOL FTW!!! =D!
12:21 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i've finally finished Hana Kimi... =)
DAMN IT!!! i finished it!!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!
how i wish i can continue watching...zzz...
nvm! i still haven watch the special epi yet!
wahahahahahahaz! i'm gonna save it for later..hee!
oh oh oh!!! and Jap Hana Kimi's ending is so so so so so so so MUCH better than Taiwan's CAN?!?!?!?!?!
like A TRILLION of a MILLION or is MILLION of a TRILLION bigger? =/
hmmm...nvm you get wad i mean...
omg! and i brawled my eyes out in front of the computer....
hee. =D! and the Nakatsu is SO damn CUTE + HANDSOME can?! hahaz!
not to mention the Kagurazaku(?) is SO GOD DAMN HANDSOME!
he's half jap and half spanish you can imagine!!!
cuz you noe...spaniads are like damn HOT! for example Torres! enough said.
okok...i tink i need some time to get over the whole head over heels feeling...
lolx! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!
nvm. hee! i'm gonna go back into my own world and fantasise like nuts alr!
byeeeeeeee! i LOVE HANA KIMI!!!!
i love them! =D!
9:09 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
i'm watching Hana Kimi...hahaz!
jap's nice! think it's even better than taiwan version...
hee...the character played by Jiro is damn cute in Hana Kimi jap version!
like seriously seriously CUTEEEE!
lolx! but watching this made me miss NAS even the school..the ppl inside it..
i miss the times we had...the crazy shits and the times where we go crazy over anything that was "hot" at tt tym...lolx!
i miss LOVE!!! i miss the back row!! i miss the korean propaganda-ing!
haiz...going crazy and gaga and head over heels over idols is bad...
but wad's worst is tt you dun have any company or anybody to go crazy with you!!!
you noe..the whole "no!! X is hotter than Y!!!!" "no way!! Y is definitely better than X he so cute can?!?!" blah blah type...
you noe?!?! damn....
i feel like i'm seriously seriously alone in my own world right now.
just me and those cute guys in my imagination... =(
how sad... omg!! i miss may may!! and jing jing!! they've always been with me all the tym whenever i'm crazy over some guy...
haiz... =( can someone just turn the clock back and return to how we were? ='(
nvm... i'll tink of ways to satisfy my head over heels feeling... =/
although i have no idea how...DAMN!
and WY is having trouble with her work now... =/ make me feel so useless not being able to help her..and not being able to be there to cheer her and give her a morale booster so she can continue... =/
WANYI!! jiayou ok? no matter wad i'm with youuuuu!!
kill GEOG!!! =D!
oh man...poly quick start...i'm soooo fucking rotting at home..
BUT i can't wait for the Redang trip!!! whohooo!
get your bikinis out babehhhh!!
hahahaz! =D!
think i shall go indulge myself with one more episode of hana kimi!!
ahhhhhhhhhh!! i dun wan to finish it!!!!
8:59 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
LIVERPOOL & LONDONi've decided to blog bout liverpool and london! =D!
i mean..hello?! the whole trip's main purpose is just to go Liverpool right?
so how in the hell can i NOT post bout it? hahahaz!
the order of the pictures are pretty screwed cause i'm SUPER lazy to organize just take it as it goes.. =D!

this is in London. =) it's like our last stop before going back to Norway.
sort of like a stopover. the London Eye and the Big Ben were a LONG walk away from the place we're staying...but still walkable distance.. it's alr 6+ when we've finished settling...
then we went to explore round cause we were told tt the buckingham(?) palace was near...
but in the end we din go to the palace and saw the Big Ben and London Eye. =)
the view is pretty right? Big Ben and London Eye are like opposite of each other...
in the picture we're actually facing the Big Ben. cool huh?! hee!

Big Ben AND the London Eye.
with a x'mas tree... =/

hahaz! this was taken when we're waiting for my mum to come out of the shop.
she's been in there for like an hour?
and yes! cause there's like SALE! as you can see at the background. hahaz!

This is taken in Liverpool. =) it's in front of the Liverpool Musuem. hahaz!
thot it was cute and took a pic of it.. =D!

Everton Fc. hahaz! my mum forced me to take this.
wanting to show off the Everton bag.
tried to talk her out of buyin any Everton stuff but she just wouldn't listen...zzz.
the background is the stadium where Everton plays.
Goodison Park.

in the Everton FC Store.
and may i emphasise tt Liverpool's one is BIGGER and SEXIER than Everton's? lolx!
my sis...HAHA! i hav one of me showing the puking sign..but then it's too ugly..heehee!
took this while waiting for my mum to buy a shorts frm the store.. =/

sis doesn't look happy posing there..hahaz!!
some part at Everton FC.

yepp! my face says it all. lolx!
and yes! tt's a bag of chips in my hand.. IT'S NICE!

ahhhhh. LIVERPOOL!. =)
before goin into the store. this is outside of the store.
couldn't put it any better. =)

hee! =D!!!!!

the Gate into the stadium.
din took the back one though. =(

oh yea.

hahaz! oh! then we went to the Liverpool One.
it's like our orchard road. hahaz! then there's this departmental store called Primark.
and the stuff there are CHEAP AND PRETTY!!!
think This Fashion price with GOOD and pretty known labels.

saw this purple heels!! ain't it PRETTY?!?!?! wanted to buy it!
but it's not comfortable...
ouh well... heehee!

at the LFC store aft our shopping!

how i wish i can bring this mirror back home... =/

hahaz! the back of the counter!

the store!
there's like soft toys!! and i wanted to buy one...was SOOOO close into buying one..but mum sae dun wan... haiz...nvm. gonna go back and buy it!! hiak hiak!

their fitting room!! hahaz!

and THIS is the INSIDE of the fitting room.
you have no idea how much i wan to dismantle tt plastic pane and get tt jersey out of there... =/

lolx! and THIS! is taken on the bus... just aft we reached Liverpool.
we(me and penguin) were super duper and extremely excited and freaking happy that we're in Liverpool!
hahahaz! noe why? cause everything is in FREAKING ENGLISH!!
lolx!! i tink the picture tell a thousand words. hahahahahaz!
we were practically squealing with excitement on the bus! lolx!

the airport at Liverpool. hahaz! took it just after we landed. =D!
oh! and this is taken in Paris... DUH?!
hahaz! pretty huh? hee!
ok! end of post!! =D!
damn i miss Liverpool.
i swear i'm goin to go back someday.
and AT LEAST watch a match!
hahaz! ok!!! till later!!!
10:38 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
okok..short post cuz i wanna play KQ with tt sick pig.
nono. as in really SICK pig.
let me see. i've broken 5 chilli bottles and 1 tomato sauce today.
managed not to fall on my butt and *secretsecretsecret*
hiak hiak!!!! go figure. heehee!
and i'm really really glad and super thankful for tt malay girl whom i forgot to ask wad's her name cuz it's too busy today.
she's really nice!! hee!! gonna find out who she is and thank her!!!
oooooo!and my date tmr(today) with my Valentine!!!!
heehee! actually i haven really ask he/she to be my valentine...but nvm...let's skip the formality.
and no way in hell am i goin to tell you the sex of my valentine!!!
12:41 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2009


i've already accepted the fact that no matter how i wish time would stop and let us catch up with everythin it wun happen.
so it's alright.
it's funny though. cuz through this you find out who are those you will try EVEN HARDER to keep the friendship going and those who you can just momentarily forget no matter how close you were last time.
and when those tt really matter to you are moving will hope that the life they are getting on is great and it make them happy whether you're part of it or not.
as cliche as it sounds. wad really matters in the end is tt they are happy.
but in the same time hoping tt they will not forget you and still try to keep in touch. =)
and i'm sure that those who matter to me alot feel the same way too. =D!
anyway! work tmr!! =) 6-10pm. working hour is pretty sucky i guess..but i finally get to experience the busy time of it!
i would rather be busy to death than bored to death!!
and i'm sort of looking forward to it cause at least i hav something to do!!
not to mention i'm earning money!!
heehee! ouh well. and it's friday the 13th!
please please please dun let me screw up or mess up anything tmr!!!
*sincerely pray to all the god there is!*
and you noe wad. i'm actually hoping tt poly would start soon!! cause i'm scared tt if it starts any brain cells would die due to lack of use and i'll be so dumb i'm the dumbest blond black ever!
lolx!! and aft watching Aquamarine with Pig today...i FREAKING WANT BLUE STREAKS/HIGHLIGHT!!!
i dun care if it's ugly. i just wan it on my hair!!
ok. i've said my peace i gtg! and finish up my book!!
whohoo!! i love BOOKS! MUACKZ!
bye! i love you! and you noe who you are!!!
and i have a date on v'dae!!! whohoo!!
i'm not going to tell you who!! muahahahahahaz!
it could be some freaking god damn HOT hunk. or it could be some super cute ad pretty LADY!
heehee!! muackz!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! =D!
It's innocence when it charms us.
Ignorance when it doesn't.
-Forever In Blue
i tried to paragraph them but it stubbornly refuse to do so. so. too bad! =)ok...i've coloured the para! soooo not too bad i guess. =D! bye!!
11:48 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
work today was... ok i guess.
kinda screwed up a lil. =/
kinda got off since it's my first job. oppx.
and i officially hav no date on v'day!
sobs sobs.
anyone? heehee!
and i found tt i'm starting to not be very interested in Big Bang cause no one is there to propaganda me!
hahaz!! omg..talking bout that makes me miss all of my frens even more!! that those who went jc have alr start's like they hav alr got on their lives and left us behind.. ='(
ok..i'm sure it's not wad they wanted but well...
and i bought cup noodles home and eat today!! reminded me of the times when we would go crazy over cup noodles!
hahaz!! WY! rmb?!
how we would go to tmart during break or aft school then go buy cup noodles and eat outside kfc?!
omg...and bubble tea!!! stupid lorhz..tmart the bbt stall there dun hav the pudding i wanted tt tym i went...zzz it's like..purple in colour... wierd.
and also with them starting school they will be tired...and talking on the phone for long hours are quite hard too.. =/
maaaaaan... but nvm..i'll keep tryin!
not gonna give up so sooooon!
and and and and and and...i'm bored.
i wan to buy tops! like any tops!
yes! ok...shall find one day and go shopping!
oh! and my emotions are super haywired that it's super NOT normal.
blame it on pms.
one minute i'll be like...omg! who is she?! she is so bimbotic!!
and the next i'm like..hmmm...ok she's not bad...prolly not tt bimbotic...
then...omg!! did i just sae tt?! geez...she is such a bimbo!
ok...i'm wierd. period!
nvm!! my feelings and thoughts have always been fickle...
i'm used to it! heehee!
there's one more thing..but somehow i can't really express it.... =/ of my fickle moments!
byeeeeeeeeee! love ya!
check out Hey Monday's album! it's AMAZING!
somehow i feel tt it has this Boys Like Girls and We The Kings feel in it..and i love it!
hee!! enjoy it!! =)
guilt isn't always a rational thing.
guilt is a weight that will crush you whether you deserve it or not.
-girl at sea.
guess i'm ready to let go of the past and embrace the mistakes i've made.but maybe it's too's ok. all is not lost. at least there's still a part of it that is able to repay the wrong doings.
10:21 PM
Friday, February 06, 2009
i've worked for 4 freaking hours ONLY's unsatifying.
i've been sort of looking forward to working the hell out of me...
but i din!! #^%*^@#&*!! i wan to earn more money! RAH! the job is pretty boring...and i felt more like a cleaner than waitress but i guess it's wad i'm supposed to do...
ouh well...i need BOOKS!
i'm bored..i'm like finish with a book in less than 6 hours lahz!! the books i have is depleting!!
and goin to the library is lazzzzzzy...
nvm...i'll figure out a waaaaaaay!
maybe i'll go library tmr! yes! i got no work anyway..
damn..i need to work regularly!!! i need to use up all the energy i hav!! omg.
ahhhh! back to my book!!
love ya babes! muackz! =)
i'm sorry. but it gonna take a longer time tryin to build up tt wall of trust you just crashed.again.try harder. i may start tinking of reasons why i actually liked you in the first place.
10:06 PM
i'm going to type this post in super big becuz i wan to make sure pig read this!! hiak hiak!i have THREE very very very very highly needed WANTS!!lolx!1) ahem! Perlini Silver! ahem!2) Ann Brashares - Forever in Blue (nvm i tink i'll get it myself..heehee!)3) Hey Monday album! (you got me hooked man! but nvm..i tink i'll get it on my own too...heehee!)yes!'s damn thick-skin.
but my alr depleted bank is making it hard to fulfil my super needed wants...
and v'day is coming! ahem!! hinthint!
and yes i noe pig will like totally steer clear off my blog now!! HIAK HIAK!
p/s : i just post this post to piss pig off...heehee! take no notice.
1:25 AM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
omg!! i can't stand it anymore!!
i can't believe Liverpool lost to freaking Everton!!!
OMG! why can't they keep their performance consistent?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
gosh!! i really really feel like going to liverpool and shake the whole freaking team awake so they can start freaking winning games for once!!!!!
and one more thing.
to my beloved frens. please dun insult my beloved football club.
it's alr pretty sucky tt i hav no one to share my joy with when Liverpool win a game...and it's suckier when you STILL insult them!!!
ok...i'm not angry or anything..just telling you guys... =)
and fyi...THE KOP refers to the liverpool fans...somewhere along tt line...
hard to explain but yea...
sooooo please....tink of others stuff to insult like...wad a fat ass i hav or wad not...
THANK YOU! and i love you guys! =D!
and i'm super lazy to blog anymore!!! byeeeeeeeeeee!
10:49 PM
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
dun tink i'll be posting more on my trip. i'm WAY too lazy... hee.
had 18 chef yest with Wy Wt and Ym. =)
miss them so much.
and omg!! the pasta is WHOHOO!
had an urge of eatin it again today. maaaaan. soon!
it feels wierd to see Wy and Ym wearin sch uni... =/
and i swear the whole adult fare thigy is biting my arse!
and yea i noe i keep on complaining bout the adult are..hahaz!'s so... RAH!
you noe? hahaz! fair...petitioning somehow doesn't work...doubt they'll change it anyway...
the only good news is they are lowering the rates soon! whohoo!
but i'll choose child/student price over anything!
please? *pouts*
yea wadever. got a job at BBQ chicken. worked for only 4.5hrs.
goin back to work on fridaaaaaaay.
got a feeling i'll screw up when i start getting ppl's orders... =/
wadave. just take it as it goes bahz.
ahhhhhh "tuition" later at 5 for darliiiiing!
chem! maths! geog! come back to my braaaaaaaaaain!
heehee. byeeeeeeee!
just two more pictures cuz it's too hard to resist NOT uploadin them!
at norway. at dawn. was forced to wake up to go somewhere.
then we saw this sky. it's pretty! and yes this picture is REAL!
need i say more?! =D!
3:42 PM