Saturday, July 26, 2008

so many things i wan to say to you.
so many words left unspoken.
there's nothing much to say actually.
i just hope that you will have more faith in me.
believe me that nothing has change.
believe that no matter what i am still who i am.
and that you will always be important to me.
please believe this. ((:
may our friendship stay as strong as always.
11:17 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
hello hello!!!!!
i'm onlineeeeeeeeeeee!!! weeeeeeeee
wad a rare sight...
been a loooooong time since i went online and yse the comp without any reason...
omg!! i'm playing viwawa!!!!!
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaz! so my skills suck like shit...
things have been goin well these days i guess...
ok mayb not really but somehow i'm not all that affected by it...mayb i couln't be bothered anymore..
got more important things to worry bout...
like fucking o's!!!!!
i can do it!!!
jiayou alison! you fat shit!
i'm gonna break my motto and go on a diet!!!!!
bye food...i'll miss you guys...
anyway...since i'm super happy today....i shall blog every single detail abt today! ((:
had test...din even do a single quest to prepare for the test and i'm gonna flunk it cuz i dun even noe how to do one single quest.
how nice.
was fereaaaaaaaaaaking fun!
hahaz! played captains ball with r5 ppl...
hahaz! they are like crazy man...all the stupid poses aft scoring.
i tink i laughed more than i played.
hahahaz! been a long time since i played so happily.
ahhhhhhhhh. love it!
normal i guess...and i'm falling in love with muneira!!! hahaz! she's damn cute and funny can...
best english teacher ever...hahaz!
i'm on a diet. but i ate THREE freaking tiramisu chocolate that is so freaking fattening i bet it's like equivalent to one meal.
but it's too good alr!!!!! yummy!!!
this diet thing must reconsider...hahaz!
then was cme thingy...had career taklk...din go for the course i signed up...went to engineering sch tt talks bout aerospace engineering and stuff...i tink it's pretty good option to consider..((:
then aft tt went to have lunch with youming and maylyn..poor may may got this NE survey thingy...waited for her with youming...
played pianooooo!!!! whohoooooo!!
loooooooooooooooooong time since i played the paino!!!!
then aft tt went to may may house and slp for ten minutes or so...
then started tuition...
was pretty dead in the beginning..maymay keep on wanting to fall aslp...
i had to stop myself frm whacking her so tt she will be awake...hahaz!!!
then almost to the end of the lesson i kicked her under the table...then was normal for awhile...
then suddenly may may burst into laughter which made me laugh too...
dun ask me's a girl thing i guess...hahaz!!
then our tuition cher, shiwei, was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!
hahaz!!! and we contd laughing even though we had no idea wad the hell we're laughing aboiut..hahaz!!
shi wei was like "can somebody enlighten me and tell wad you guys are laughing at?"
hahaz!! and it made us laugh harder for i dunno wad reason...hahaz!!
and he gave tt super dots and diao face...lolx!!!
ok not very funny when i retell it but it was damn funny at tt tym..hahahz!
then aft tuition we played tt car thingy tt have to get the stupid god damn red car out...
was damn spastic and frustating but fun at the same time..hahaz!!
ok..then i went home and crashed.
woke up at 8+ and went for dinner with familyyyyyyyyy.
and now i'm here bloggggggging!!!
whohoo...and i'm goin to play viwawa!
bye my sexy people...
i love you guysssssssss!!!
muack muack
hahahahhahahahaz! i'm damn high now...
hahaz! okok..bye.
may everyday be as happy as today... ((:
honey...dun pissed me off. you are messing with the wrong person.i'm watching you.(*points my eye to your eye*)oh.and sorry for all the typos...i'm using my sis laptop and i'm not used to it...she's gonna kill me if she noe i use her comp man..but who cares she's not in town anw...shhhhhh!and and and! metro station songs are niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!! ((:
11:32 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
been a long time since i came online.
i'm too lazy to on the computer or
i'm too busy
these days are getting
suckier and
i have no idea wad the fuck is wrong with me.
one day i'm
feeling fine.
the next
i'm feeling all fucked up.
and feeling all those feelings
tt i'm not supposed to feel and is stupid to feel.
what the fuck IS wrong with me?
sometimes i hate myself so much it's a wonder why i din kill myself right there and then.
i'll get myself sorted out as soon as possible.
i dun wan to fucked my prelims and
o's up over this stupid mood swings i have.
and pardon my french.
just feeling fucked up.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. how i wish i can really scream out at the top of my lungs.
screw this.
dun bother coming back here till
it's pretty much dead anyway.
bye guys.
trying to hold on to something worth holding on too.suddenly felt tt i'm really really better off when i'm not in this to feel so disposable and sooooo second priority.mayb i just imagined it. but i dun see anything or any actions tt make me feel the opposite of wad i feel now.i'm screwed.or maybe not.husband, i really want to thank you and everything.i'm really happy that you're there for me and sorry that i've burden you with whatever i told you.thanks super lot and i truly deeply love you! =D! for whatever it takes.
12:26 AM