Sunday, December 30, 2007
omg...i hate this freaking keyboard!
i hav to type reaaaaaaaal slooooowly so tt no words are missing...and i hav to keep on back spacing...
son of a..
anw..i dun hav much t tok abt..actually..i do..
but i forgot alr..lolx!
oh! you noe..i think we shld really set up an organisation...
sumthin like...stop siblings abuse...or sumthin like tt...
i am damn pissed at OLDER sisters bullying or getting YOUNGER poor sexy innocent sisters in hot soup...
and all the emotional roller coasters...blah blah blah..
seriously..shld petition lorz! so unfair! hmph!
anw...i'm really pissed at this keyboard so i shall stop blogging..
go Liverpool!!
and Happy New Year ppl!! ((:
once again! i'm sexier than anybody!!
you are no match for Miss Sexy!! muahahahahahahahahaz!
11:06 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
ok! it's going to be x'mas is less than 3 hours?
and i'm home alone. how sad.
but too bad there's no bad guys coming into the house to kidnap or whatever.
how boring.
i noe i haven been bogging these few days..not tt anyone care anyway...
well..i'm just lazy.
and i dun plan to chiong my hw..can't be bothered alr...
sck of the whole chionging thing...
well...thot i would blog a little...
i shall go watch my tv and keep hoping tt bad guys will come and kidnap or steal stuff..
Bye!! and Merry X'mas!!((:
all i want for x'mas is you.
so come and fiiiiiind meeeeeee you piece of shit!and i believe in santa.seriously!and hope santa will see this and give me a present... heehee...MERRY X'MAS SEXY PEOPLE! =D!
9:16 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

YAY!! Liverpool Won!! 4-0!! ((:
and they are thru to the last 16!
they pretty much trash Marseille!
hahaz! bloody hell..the almost heart attack was worth it..heehee
my heart was beating super super fast at the beginning of the game lahz..
Marseille was playing damn roughly..and i enjoyed seeing Liverpool players screaming the f word..lmao!
damn cool!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
kop-ed frm
Torres almost finding himself through only to be denied by the referee's whistle. His two-word reaction to the supposed foul showed his English is coming along just fine.
hahaz! so funny!i saw Torres shouting "FUCK OFF!" at the refree lahz! hahaz!
SEXY! my god! Gerrard is like SUPER SUPER sexy! and nobody in this whole entire world can be more sexier than him!!!
hahaz! i even saw his sexy body aftr the game...hehehehehehe!
have to keep myself frm drooling..lolx!!
oh! and Kewell is really really good aft his injury..hahaz...
and there's this one player in Marseille called Niang...and he is sooo bloody fake! he can be the nxt C.Ronaldo! stupid wonder he's called Niang...Niang niang Qiang!!
hahaz..damn..i'm evil..SORRY!
ok...this post is NOT crap...
and if you dun understand wad i'm talking abt..well..just rmb one two things...
1) Liverpool is the BEST football club than any other football club.
2) Gerrard is THE sexiest person ever existed in this whole entireUNIVERSE!
hehehe...sounds like propaganda..
oh man..i'm going to have panda eyes alr...
haiz...mayb i shld listen to Gold 90.5 or Class 95 may help..
ok then..enough propaganda for today...((:
DAMN! i love Liverpool AND Gerrard! =D!!!!!
You'll Never Ever Ever Walk Alone! ((:
3:10 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
i realise i havent been posting for a week now..
not tt anyone cares..
and apparently some miracle happened and allow me to go in the bloody damn net.,thx to the stupid damn virus in the damn comp.
my body clock is like totally whacked..
it's gone all crazy..i can bloody dun slp for one whole freaking night and still not slp at 2+ the following night...
the earliest i've ever slept these few days is like what? 2+ going to 3?
i'm wasting alot of batteries using torchlight to read story books in the middle of the night..
i'm going crazy and trying to find ways to make my body clock go back to normal..
any suggestions anybody?
there's this super super big match tonight...doubt i'll be slping tonight..
Liverpool better win..or i'll have a massive heart attack and a heartbreak cuz i see Gerrard so sad..
WHICH! i hope will nv happen...
please!! i hope and pray and wish tt they win!
maaaaaaaaaaaaan..i'm going out of my mind..
homework...wad homework?!
din even finish one thing..stupid...
i'm going crazy over blog thx for whoever tt started this thingy..
i saw this necklace tt is the shape of the fang yang de xing xing thingy thingy.. (youming! wan to buy together?!?!?!)
i wan to buy..but jing jing explain to me until damn cheem and i dunno wth she's talking bout...
i really really wish that i have this urge to do homework..i'm reading romance novels again...
i wonder if guys in the novels ever ever exist in real life... good will it be if they do...
but well..right now i dun see anyone like tt...not including Gerrard...
i can't imagine if tt type of guy really exist..hmm..i bet he will be damn sexy...
okok!! i shall stop fantasizing...
but i think he's really sexy...heehee...
do happy endings really ever came true?
and wad if happy endings do come true?
after tt wad?
they live happily ever after?
won't tt be boring?
exactly why do we wan happy endings?
oh i noe! cuz it doesn't exist and ppl likes to fantasise and cling on to some hope tt it actually exist..
how sad...
ouh well..i shall stick to my fantasies and not look for my happily ever after...
mayb it will come to me if i dun go looking for it...lalalalalalalala
damn...i'm craving for hunk watch..hahaz!
anyone wan to accompany me to hunk watch? guys also can...then we can exchange opinions and you can see sexy babes and i can see my sexy hunks..hahaz!
wth..i'm fantasising again..blah..
2:48 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
hahaz! omg..i'm supposed to start doing my hw now..but i haven even finish one mindmap and i'm alr on the comp..
i'm feeling soooo super bored now..
went to Amanda's blog...realise she post pretty much rubbish..hahaz!
oh! and i saw this...
n. an inquiry of health, and confirmation of same.
"Hey there, bud - alison?" "Alison."
hahaz! oh! and i tried wanyi one..
v. to intentionally laugh at a tattoo.
"If you don't wanyi, Sally, I will."
Infinite Teen Slang Dictionary
anyway...Amanda is crap...
something frm her blog...
How do you know if you’re a male or female? Look down to find the answer.
I said look down, not scroll down. Haha!
mannn...i'm super super bored..
no one's home..
i think mum on leave is better... =/
at least i have niceeeeeee food...
at least there's some noise at homeeeeee.
and i'm not doing any homework!
to think i actually PLAN to do AT LEAST 2 mindmaps and 1 other hw.
i din even finish 1 mindmap... =/
shall go look for useless crap.
2:39 PM
why is so many people not feeling happy?
why am i not feeling happy? is there somthing wrong with me?
why is Mr. I , Mr. Iy and Mr. J looking for me?
they are all evil people...stop looking for meeeeeeee!
why can't i be happy?
anybody can tell me??
i hate Mr. I..
if Mr. I din come find me...then Mr. J wun come looking for me too..
and i wun look for Mr. Iy!
damn...i have too much fantasies... =/
i really need to go out and find someone to keep my sanity...
staying at home and not going out is not good for my over-fantasy-ed brain.
somebody keep me saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane!
before i go innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsane!
wait..i'm alr insane... wow..
bloody hell... can they be anymore sexier?
one bloody god damn day..i will fly to England...go to Anfield...look for Gerrard...and kiss him!!
yes! i dun bloody care if i'm sued for harassment or wadever...
he's too hot lahz...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
and Erjie is going to Norway to study for half a yr nxt year...
and she says tt she most prob going to Liverpool..and Anfield...
and she say if she saw Gerrard she will go crazy...
and if she saw Alonso she will faint...
and if she saw Torres she will go up to him and tell him his hair is ugly...
and she say she is not going to bring me...
i'm going crazy..
bye ppl..
1:17 AM