Monday, April 30, 2007
tt's the IN word least for me..
lmao...and Wan Ting is "wad the bleh!"
hahaz..rubbish lahz...
todae has been a pretty good day...
lucky too...a little..hahaz
on the way to my house bus stop...
while crossin a tiny linkway a car was cumin towards me...
when the car passes by(?) me i looked in...
and OHMY
fuckin HOT!!
seriously!!the driver i mean...
damn SEXY!!
super duper HOT!!
i'm like...WOW! DAMN HE'S HOT!!
hahaz...almost drooled...ALMOST!
hahaz...kinda made my day alr..lmao..
reached sch and was super hyper...partly becuz of tt sexy guy fiasco..
hahaz...and when i saw wan ting i went totally hyper and told her everythin..
and she sae i dui bu qi WUZUN...c'mon's crap..
hahaz..had 2 hours of chem...was crazy...jingzhi keep makin me wake up..
whenever i wan to slp jingzhi will call me wake up...
aft tt was recess and tan wasn't here so the other mr.tan came and relieved the class...
kinda free period...aft tt it was chem's pure torture!
then it's assembly!!
lmao!! jonas and co. was crazy...lmao...
aft tt went to buy lunch and ate cheesey meltz...
YUMMY!!! ((:
hahaz...everythin was so maths aftrwards...
today sure is a nice and pleasant day...
lolx...shall treasure it while it last... =D!
dun tink will b bloggin till MYE are over..
so GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST for your MYEs BABEH!! ((:
10:31 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
i've been cryin very easily these few days...
even my sister calls me emo...zZz..
lot's of feelings came to me recently...
and i feel sad easily...
thinkin and feeling tt sometimes we realli dun get wad we deserve...
sometimes we deserve better...
but sometimes we deserve to be treated like dirt..
my heart aches whenever i see my dad...
workin under the hot sun juz to meet our needs and all the fucking bastards juz give my father attitude...
y can't life b easier for him??
i think he deserve better aftr all he has done...
and i seriously swear tt i will treat him good and give him half of wad i earn when i hav a job..
and my maths is seriously horrible..
and i dun get wad the big deal is when i said i wan tuition frm other ppl but not frm my sister..
ok so mayb the price is a little diff...
but hav u ever thot tt mayb i realli dun lyk how she teaches me?
it's lyk whenever she teach me she will giv me some freakin attitude and i will b damn sian alr lahz...
cuz the way she teaches me and the way she teaches other ppl is totally different..
and the way she speaks is damn fuckin attitude...
and when she speaks in tt asshole attitude i'll be sian yi ban alr lorhz...
and she expects me to go ask her questions in her fuckin god damn attitude..
c'mon lahz..u wan ppl to ask u stuff but then u giv tis suck ass attitude...
damn u...
i'm so gonna screw up my maths tis tym..
wun b surprised if i fail badly..
like my sister cares?!
wadeva...maths suck totally...
2:54 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
my teeth!!
gone!! lost!! not intact to my gums anymore!!
okok...two of them..not all..
two...NOT ONLY! (ahem elaine!)
went to my dental appointment...
thot no need to extract any teeth de...
but then the dentist sae if dun pluck out will look lyk puffer fish...
my words..not hers... but she hinted!!
so plucked out my teeth...
pain?! least i got one day off frm sch!!
heehee... MC!!
but now whenever i drink water water sometimes will splurt out...
zZz..wth man...
and it's sooooooooooooooooooo blooooooooooooooooody...
heehee...shall not post the pictures lahz...too er xin alr.. is the SEXY (esp wan ting ) guzhengers SYF!!
go kick arse babeh!! <3
okie then...shall be a good girl and study...
and i will take good care of my teeth...
dun waste my daddy's money...
and i pinkie swear i will treat my dad beta...
seriously!! ((:
lurvve muaii dad lotxzxzxzxzxzxzx worxzxzxzxzxzxzx
3:04 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
i'm pissed...
and i'm not afraid to tell u tt...
we were SUPPOSED to be studyin wif oni the two of us... u said she may come..and i said ok..
but when i reached there u said there will be MORE ppl cumin...
i'm lyk...WHAT?!
isn't it supposed to be juz the three of us?!
and u asked me if it's wad if it's not ok? will u do anythin?
no i dun tink so...
fine...then i go wif the flow...
the atmosphere was awkward and i felt extra...
oni when wan ting came then it's beta...
and when we wrote sum stuff behind ur back and u were pissed...
basically i dun tink u hav the right to be pissed cuz it was u hu put us in an awkward position...
then u said u're sorry...
if i'm not wrong i tink it was u hu said tt sayin sorry doesn't mean anythin..
then i can't help but feel tt u seem more chatty and happy when u're juz wif ur frenz
but u sumhow juz can't seem to open ur mouth to sae sum stuff when u're wif us...
if u dun feel lyk studyin wif us then u can dun come...
nobody forced u to come...
and dun put us into awkward situations whenever u like...
it pisses me off...
3:58 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
test infested week.
so many frickin test in one week!
wad has the world coming to?!
din have tym to blog...
super crap...
and mr loi...stop postponing the frickin maths testS for god's sake!
it's hard to keep up for slow ppl lyk me...
and when u postpone every frickin test it snowballs up and we end up havin 2-3 test one day!
tt's frickin RUBBISH!
not tt u will see tis...but yea...
super tired...
once i slp i seem to be unable to wake up...
wad happened to me??
how i wish i can get 13 hours of slp
i miss my bed...and i noe my bed misses me too...
nvm...will spent every minute of wakin moment wif my bed aftr mid yrs...
tt sounds sick..but wadeva...
no more wushu trng until mid yrs are over...
but even if mid yrs are over wushu trng wun be the same as before... =(
it's gonna feel super wierd without afiqah jingyu wendy crystalla kevin jerven jonas gary =(
come back for trng if u guys are free??
pls?? trng gonna suck big time without u guys...
haiz...gonna start slackin during trng alr...
cuz i kinda lost part of my tui1 dong4 li4 =(
haiz...y do ppl leave?? y can't they juz stay forever??
wad's so hard to juz stay?!
haiz..gonna but braces soon....
still find it useless...
poor daddy...hav to pay so much stuff
haiz...and these few days i realize how much i actually love my dad
not tt i dun love my mum..i juz love my dad more..much more...
and it's hurts to see him work so hard everyday under the hot blazing sun but still can't earn much money..=(
nvm...i swear i will treat him super good when i start making money...
and i will try NOT to use my dad's money...(:
oh...and wushu competitions are finally one pathetic third...
and i have to admit i'm quite dissappointed in myself...
haiz...should have done beta...ouh well...
there's still nxt yr...but it wun be the same skippin lessons anymore...
gotta go! bye! ((:
11:07 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007
it hurts.
it hurts so badly tt it's indescribable..
i dun get why u treat me like this..
did i do sumthing wrong to make u feel tt way?
i'm ur sister goddamnit..
remember me? the OTHER one?
sometimes i even wonder whether i'm realli your sister
how come when both of us are hurt u oni care abt her and not me?
the response i get is totally different...
all i get is sarcasm...
but wad does she get?
don't i deserve your care and love?
izzit becuz of our age gap?
it realli hurts...
and all i can do is cry at one side..
wad can i do to let you care for once?
whenever i tried to communicate wif you you shut me out...
when will you open tt door i've alwaes been wanting to open?
izzit so hard?
9:34 PM
i'm too tired to blog...
will blog when i feel lyk it...
8:52 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
the today means yest....
i dunno wad's wrong wif me...
i get super easily pissed off...
it can't b PMS rite?
or izzit?
haiz...and i noe tt when i'm pissed off i noe tt i pisses other ppl off too...
and i'm realli realli sorry if i pisses you off...
i'll try to change...
hopefully i wun be so irritated aft nxt week...
i'm super sorry! =(
3 more hours and i'm gonna be on my way to malacca...
dun feel lyk goin..might as well stay at home and revise my work...
plus i get to train once more...
but for some fuckin reason i HAVE to go...
wad the fuck...
todae was crap...tired...and irritated...
had english argumentaive essay test on first period..
spoilt my whole day....was super pissed at myself...
and everythin juz went wrong...
double bio was okay...did presentation...
screwed up my part as usual..
i nv seem to be able to present properly...zZzz..
chem was borin....talked to jingzhi bout hamsters for the whole lesson..
din even bother to listen to wad Gan says...
and now i dun even noe anythin bout valency...zZz
slept durin amaths....
lei mee looked for me when i'm slpin...
mr loi tricked me...arsehole...
and i need more maths remedial cuz i noe NOTHING bout alpha of data(?)
wad's tt anyway?!
i dun even noe wad the hell is it lahz...shit...
emaths was crap....
mr loi din even teach....
aftr sch waited for mr tan to come...
he din even come..looked for him for 3 bloody times...
went home without takin hist test...
slept all the way till 8....
and i'm still super tired...
mayb i'm realli PMSin...
jingzhi sae tt when PMSin u will slp alot...
haiz...i dun wan to go malacca...........
i juz wan to stay at home and sleep thru nxt week...
the pressure is on...
and i dun tink i hav anymore strength to control my irritations
hopefully i wun burst and scream at everyone...
and once again..i'm realli sorry if i pissed anybody wif my suck-ass attitude todae... =(
anybody does NOT include gordon and joel lee...
everythin is fallin apart...
we dun seem as close as before...
there seem to be more secrets than before
i guess wad we once had will nv be the same anymore..
it juz doesn't feel right....
1:23 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

whohoo!! LIVERPOOL WON 3-0 to PSV!!
they are SEXY! they are HOT! they are INVINCIBLE!!
lolx...losing my slp is worth it man..
lolx...slept for the last 10 mins of the match...woke up at 5+ to see tt the match ended liaoz..
slept durin chi lesson and kena punished by lei mee...
was super unhigh before recess....
aftr recess i'm hyper again..hahaz...
elaine bought M&M's!!
hahaz..played wif the POP! tube.. and wanting was playin wif it durin emaths..see hu blink when the POP thin goes..
lmao...laughed lyk crap...
managed to live thru another torturous wednesday...
aft sch had 10 mins of maths remedial...
then rushed to wushu trng...
i still suck...but got a teeny weeny bit of improvement..
competitions is nxt week...
but i'm soooo tired alr...
hopefully i can get thru one week of craziness..
gonna slp lots and lots while i can...
i'll miss my bed and my bolster..and my pillow...
i noe they miss me...
super tired these days...
and ppl were askin me "HUH?! Gerrard die mehz?!"when they saw my handbook..
haiz...then i hav to tell them it's my hamster...
almost cried but managed to control...
i miss him LOTS!! =(
i'll learn to let go though............... (:
and i'm gonna smuggle my bolster to malacca!!
it's funny how a small hug can change ur day...
youming...i'll be there when u need sumone to hug ok? ((:
cheer up gal... =D!
sian..tmr got double bio and maths...gonna suck lyk shit...
i'm gonna slp earlier todae...
if not i'm gonna hav BLACK eyes..............
i miss Gerrard....
and i noe he misses me too...
love you forever... <3
7:53 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Gerrard died...
as in my hamster Gerrard...
cried for quite long..
now my eyes hurt lyk hell...
no thx to the repeatin cryin frm yest...
mum and dad kept sayin tt i'm crazy..
but i noe they are tryin to cheer me up...
i miss Gerrard...
how i wish i could spent one more day...
juz one more day...izzit so hard to wish for?
buried Gerrard near Alonso...
hope they can met up again...wherever they are..
i miss them so much...
it juz wun feel the same anymore when i feed Jelly...
but i'm still goin to hav more hamsters...
i dun care if i cry again...
hamsters sumhow are part of my life...
but no matter how many hamsters i hav agin i'll still nv forget Gerrard...
i'll remember him till the day i die...
love you
and may u rest in peace...
i love you Gerrard...<333
10:23 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007

had mock wushu comp yest...
i screwed up every single routine...
not surprisin since i laughed and slacked at every single trng... i'm panickin..which i tink it's useless...
told elaine tt i muz get at least a gold..
and she said yea if not she smack my butt...
butt in danger!! *ALERT!!
shit..i'm stressin...bad!! bad!!
went to belyn darling house for dinner..the adults hav their mahjong party..lolx..
ate dinner and went bac home again to watch match!!
hahaz..liverpool won 4-1!!
HAH! in ur f**king face stupid b!tch!
stupid loser arsenal fan...!
aftr tt went bac to belyn house again..hahaz..
been a super duper long tym since we see each other...
i miss her!!! <333>
cooked noodles at the middle of the night..hahaz missed tt feeling...
slept halfway while watchin the wild thornberrys lolx...6+ then reached home...
went bac to slp again...
woke up at 1+...
woke up and read msges...
crap lahz...the april fool's msg..
hahaz..but so funny...
i almost scolded mr loi..hahaz...
well...ppl..dun get tricked anymore! ((:
april fool's borin on weekends...blehz....
4:56 PM