Thursday, October 26, 2006

wahahahahahahahahahaz....blehz! =D

2R1'o6 forever and ever... <33 href="">

wo aii nii worz.. <3 href=""> lovers..<3 href=""> we look bimbotic enuff? ((:

nobody wear pe shirt durin pe lessons..hahaz..

sexy eh?hahaz..

these are super super tiny man tt's on the ledge..((: spastic!

little man in front of our eh?!

the totally cool handprinted door..

more stars..oh and tt's mr lee...wif sherlyn and J.Z behind.. ((:

the right side of the eh?

the front of the class... KABOOM!
gonna post more if i hav the tym..((:
2r1'o6 forever...<33
7:25 PM
omg...been a freakin long tym since i i'm bac to bloogin becuz of a super special post fer 2R1!! so here goes...we hav been together fer 2 whole yrs..and we bonded closer than ani class in our level..our results sucks but we are still the best...ppl alwaes sae tt we are naughtiest class...but u noe wad?i dun care..cuz in my eyes...we are the best class tt ever existed...
we hav fun together...
we get into trouble together..
we go crazy together..and it's the best ever...
the moments we had...good or bad..are precious to mi...
the fights tt happen every other dae in our class...
the super totally spastic moments we hav..
the way we drive all the teachers crazy..
how our class will nv ever be clean...
how we are super noisy whenever there's no teacher in class..
how we piss the teacher off if we dun lyk him or her..
how we totally ignore wad the teachers sae..
how the teachers hav to chase us fer a few daes or even weeks to pass up the hw..
how we alwaes jeered at hussayn...
how we cum out wif totally spastic shit names lyk solar panel..
how we got in second in the inter-class comp durin sec 1..
how we totally kick ass durin any comp...
and u noe wad?! 2R1 is juz sooooo totally awesome...and i will nv ever forget u peeps... ((: we'll hav class gatherin sumtym yea?! and kick more ass in ur new class!! ((:
gonna post sum pics later... taaaa!!
all the memories we hav together we'll go on in our hearts...and we'll b together forever... ((: 2R1'o6 forever and ever... ((:pls pls pls pls pls let most of us b in the same class...PLS!! pretty pls... *begs..ALISON a.k.a KUKU a.k.a steven GERRARD.. ((:
5:58 PM