Wednesday, May 31, 2006
i'm lyk bloggin everydae lahz...tis is not good...veh bad!!but wadeva..i'm bored..wad do u expect?and i can't go out becuz my mother tinks tt i go out alot of tym alr..wth?wadeva...bloody mother go wake mi up in the middle of my beauty slp and drag mi to bedok reservior to run yest nite..wth..after runnin i went to do sum sit-ups...bad decision...stomach cramp lyk shit after tt..wth...trng todae was ok..except the whole sit-up thin again...wth? wad's wif sit-ups?i so not goin to do sit-ups after runnin...argh!!now whenever i stomach will go screamin in pain..wth!!and i can't laugh too..which is sooooo not a good thin...zZz...borin...forced myself to do sum maths homework todae...totally fergot how to do the equations thingy...and my handwritin sucks big tym...i've not been writin anithin fer lyk..a few weeks? wadeva..the words i write din even make sense..but lyk i care...zZz...and bloody hell..i took lyk 1 hour + to do a few questions..and it's oni part I and i din even do all the quest brain is dead...argh!! lalalalalalalalalalala....borin...sumbody pls enlighten my mum and allow mi to go out...i'm bored at home...lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala...and i juz realise tt drinkin green tea will make u pee alot..juz a random fact..lolx...i've been drinkin lots of green tea these daes and well..i've been peein alot..lolx...and hopefully i wun get pimples...cuz accordin to my sis..she said tt drinkin green tea will hav more pimples...wth..but i bet she juz sae tt so i wun keep on drinkin her green tea..lolx..and i nid a proper lunch...din realli eat lunch yest..juz ate a few chips and well..drank green tea..but i was full!stupid stomach..and now..i haven even eat lunch...wth...gonna eat sum chips and drnk more green tea again...tryin to make myself fall i wun b able to go trng tmr..heehee...wadeva...but i dun seem to feel sick..wth..gonna b on diet after tmr...zZz...lalalalalalala...tmr...(((:[haven been tokin to him since the chalet..din even see him online...haiz...b online!!!miss you...]ALISON! <3
1:17 PM
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
nv blogged fer quite a long tym liaoz...lolx..been lazy and hav no's oni the second dae of holi..and i'm missin sch..and bloody's so not lyk a holi to mi lahz..wad's wif the trng?!and it's in the morn summore! 8.30 am!!my beauty slp!!argh!!fine wadeva...trng was erm..pain?lolx...and we oni had 2 trngs lorhz!!and there's more to!!!!went out wif my sis and her bf yest...and before u do the same thin lyk mi...i hope u will tink it over again...u will regret it if u go out wif ur sis and ur bf's the best thin to do...NOT!it's pretty ok lahz..if u dun count the whole mushy mushy thingy...lolx...and damn izzit gross...EW!!lyk gag can!! and it's lyk so wierd lahz...and i feel veh bright...lolx..wadeva..juz DUN ever go out wif a matter hu they are...dun!trust's wierd..lolx...went to nyp becuz my sis had sum lecture..and i went to the lecture too..and it was borin!after sis remembered she had tutorial..and i hav to wait fer her for one bloody hour...slept while waitin..after tt..went to bugis to eat lunch..which is lyk 4+..wif her bf...duh?was super full after tt..felt lyk vomittin..but wadeva...went to perlini silver to buy a necklace fer my sis sec b'dae...and bought a earin fer my sis a veh veh veh veh belated b'dae pressie..lolx...wadeva..then passed by the wallet shop and kinda persuaded my sis to buy mi a handphone pouch fer my b' yeah...after tt took the mrt down to expo..the bloody food fair thingy...wth..more food..and seriously i felt lyk pukin there..thank god i din..lolx..and my sec sis came home frm desaru..and she' lahz...and the disadvantages of her cumin bac is i can't sleep in her bed animore and i can't use her pillow..which is super soft...animore..and i hav to hear her nag at mi fer not washin the dishes and blah blah...but i kinda miss it..lolx..wadeva...fine..lalalalalalala...tmr tmr (aka the day after tmr..((:) is my b'dae!! *hint hint!HAPPY B'DAE GERRARD!!! man!he's 26 alr!!!heehee...ALISON! <3
12:21 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
great!the last thin i nid is cryin in sch...wth..and hell...i cried in sch todae...i noe...crybaby or wadeva..but i'm realli realli veh scared at tt tym...and i dunno man..the tears juz came spillin out...and besides havin a totally stoned dae at sch...we are all in more deep shit...great...and i dunno hu go make it worst..if i noe hu..i seriously goin to slap tt person eyeballs out of his socket...i mean...everythin is still ok...then i dunno wad happen over the weekend..and it's police case..i realli is not my fault..ok..mayb a little..but i wasn't even there when they wrote anithin on the playground...and if my parents realli noe bout it...then i realli realli in serious trouble...guess i beta appreciate my butt now or it will b whacked till it rot..i'm realli veh scared...i've nv felt lyk tis fer a long tym alr...and i guess i beta tell them wad is goin on first before they get a call frm sch and was least it will lessen the whole thin a little..hopefully they hav not called my parents yet..or i'm realli dead meat...i juz hope thins will get beta fast..and get tis whole thin over wif...and tis is so not goin to help mi get a beta relationship between my mother and mi..and i'm so not in my mother good books now tt i keep pissin her off fer the tiniest thin i did..i'm realli scared!!i juz wished there is sumone i could juz pour my feelings to and not care a single thin...wish tt sumone is there whenever i nid him...wish sumone would juz take awae the pain and emptiness in my heart...scared shitless...ALISON! (i'm so not myself todae...)
6:04 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
great!all i nid now is a few more bloody god damn muscles ache lyk shit...bloody hell..and how the fuck am i goin to go to the bloody rehearsal if my leg hurts lyk shit?wadeva..i'll pontent...not lyk i nv pontent before liddat...wth... juz came bac frm trng...took mi longer than usual to walk home..wth..trng todae was...shit?crap? wadeva...leg hurts lyk fuck i'll b walkin slower than i did on mon..zZz argh! it's bloody khsodhfonaosgfoaboshdgobaosdgfh irritatin!!i can't even fuckin lift my leg up lahz..idiot shit..fasjkhdfbaoghofa!!!walkin realli slowly...ALISON! <3
9:22 PM
argh!borin!!seriously!!i wan to go to sch!at least there's ppl arnd mi...not lyk at home...juz air and no freaky...i'm not scared of bein home alone though..i juz hate bein home alone..makes mi feel so..insecure..dunno man..wadeva..been slackin my ass off the whole morn...cancelled all plans to go watch movie..cuz my father said no..not surprisin...wanted to lie to him..but felt realli guilty so did not..planned to go library...but i'm juz super lazy to move my ass off the chair and go out of the house..argh!!!been starin in front of the comp fer the qhole dae alr..haiz..beta get sum housework done..or i'll get a tongue slashin frm my sister...zZZz...borin!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! change the skin liaoz...kinda lyk gwen will love bloody rainbow freakin borin!!!shit sia..i realli shld get my ass off the chair and get my butt down the library...........blasts off!!!
can't wait till world cup.......
tryin to fall sick...XD junk food and more junkies..((:
2:29 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
blah blah blah...borin!!sian!!!no sch tmr!! i actually sayin tis?lolx...i guess holidaes aren't wad i'm lookin forward to..heehee..but then tmr goin out wif gwen reuben sem mandeep and sum other ppl i not sure...act got alot of other ppl goin de lorhz..but then sumthin happen...and no thx to the bitch...wadeva...goin to watch movie...over the hedge..hahaz...shld b funni lahz...lolx...go until orcahrd there..cuz everyway in singapore is borin...i haven even ask my parents whether i can go not lahz...but then i dun care...i'm goin no matter wad...the most i lie to them lorhz...wadeva..zZz..i guess i'm not tt guai lahz..lolx..okok..fine...i'll make a new year resolution...not too late rite?heehee...not end of year..middle of the year oni..still can lahz...My New Year Resolution:b more guai and dun get into deep shit...((:okok fine...mayb..i am alr in deep shit...but it's not too late though..hopefully..*cross fingers!* wadeva...haiz..todae is ok leg muscles is damn freakin pain frm all tt bloody splits i did yest durin trng..had to walk lyk a paika the whole dae...and askin gwen amirah they all to not walk so fast..wth...and gwen provoked mi so tt i would run after her..knowin tt i can't walk properly..not to sae run!idiot...wadeva...was borin...blah blah's been lyk 1 mnth liddat since i talked to him le lorhz...whenever i online he's not online..and when he's online..i hav to go offline le..sian!!!wth lahz...wadeva...shuddup!!!*slap myself!* fine..wadeva...todae izati izzad and rahqiah kena liaoz...not urprisin though..heard frm amirah tt when they were called out the bitch was lookin guilty...c'mon lahz!she will feel guilty de mehz?does she even hav feelings at all?!wth!?stupid bitch!i threw awae all the neos i took wif her durin recess todae..can't stand her face in my wallet..wth...pollute my eyes and my wallet wif her face arhz...stupid shit..then after sch gwen and i went to the office to tell them tt our locker cannot open..then blah blah blah..sumbody bloodile go change our locks lahz!!and we found out tt our ties are stolen...all 4 of them lahz!!wth!argh!!can't help but tink tt the bitch did tis...i mean she is the oni one tt we hate most...and besides..we can't tink of other ppl..okok..mayb we suspect the wrong ppl..we are juz assumin..wadeva..haiz...stupid shit...lazy to blog liaoz...lalalalalalalalalalala..can slp late tmr!!!heehee...9 days to my b'dae!!(hints!((:)LOVE LIVERPOOL FOREVER AND ALWAES!!((:ALISON! <3
3:42 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
stupid fucking bitch!well..i hope u are happy wif wad u did...but u noe wad i hate most...i hate tt u told on us when u dun realli noe the truth...c'mon lahz...fine...i admit..i totally hate u and yea...i insulted u lyk alot..but c'mon lahz..i can't help my feelings rite?and if u noe tt we hate u...y dun u tink of wad u hav done?wad u did to make us hate u so muc?hav u ever tink of tt?no..i dun tink so...oh!i'm sorri...u hav a wonder u can't tink...well..u noe wad?juz becuz ur fuckin brain is not workin...u pushed the blame to mi amirah and gwen..and we din even realli did anithin wrong..i mean c'mon lahz..those thins tt is written on the playground is not we write one can?mayb u can find out bout the truth first before u go arnd complainin bout it...and i'm so surprised tt u are super god damn blind to even tink tt rahqiah and ben is ur "trusted fren" i mean c'mon lahz!u hav much more common sense can?and f.y.i?! it's those two hu wrote the most on the playground lorhz!wtf!and u said it was we three juz becuz we are mean to u...pls's so not worth writin tt stuff bout u can?waste my energy to even write bout it...and i wasn't even there when they wrote it lorhz...and u juz go tellin zara tt it was us?!pls lahz!get the facts u are happy..u got us into deep shit...y dun u go tellin the whole world tt we bullied u?isn't it a shame?and pls..u are so not the victim of tis whole bloody god damn shit ok?!and go ahead...make a police report...i'm lyk so scared can?!pls lorhz...lyk we realli care if u make a police report..the most it's oni vandalism lorhz..and it's not us hu wrote it anw...fuck u...
and c'mon lahz..u go and tell the teachers..i attention seekin can u get?i bet u are super happy tt we were bein called out by teacher and was "interviewed" by them askin y we treat u badly...and we hav to write sum fuckin crap of wad we did to u..which i so totally not noe wad we realli did to u...and now..the teacher called amirah's mother...and hu noes mi or gwen's parents too..and i'm sure u are happy if i got whacked in the ass fer sumthin i totally did not done...and my life will b so totally over when my parents noe bout it...thanx fer all tt!i'll nid it lyk alot?!stupid bitch!and u are so so coward tt u asked hazirato write bac the stuff..can't u do it?oh..i'm sorri..i guess u tink u are lyk the innocent one rite?well...u noe wad?u are nth but a fuckin coward bitch... i'm not surprised tt lots of ppl backstabbed u...stupid bitch!
4:29 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006 results sucks sucks and sucks big time!!!!'s not realli bad actually..but then it's not realli good though...and news flash!!! I FAILED MATHS!!!!wow?i mean c'mon..i noe i suck in maths lyk totally...but i tink i did it quite ok lorhz!!at least pass mi rite??!!wtf?!i'm so so so dead!!!!my tuition teacher is sooooooo gonna kill mi!!!fish!!!asdjkgfiabsofhaosnfopahsd!!!!!and wad's worst is tt...i failed by oni 2 marks!!!wth?!!!can't the bloody teacher b a little more sympathetic?and giv mi sum extra marks?wtf?!!!i'm so so so dead...well..chi eng is the other two papers tt i got bac fer now...and well...eng is not bad...and bloody hell did i improve!!!wow!!!and bloody hell!!!i beat reuben!!!hu is super freakinly pro in eng lahz...hahaz...not tt my parents will noe...and not tt they even care whether i improve or lyk 80.5/120 fer overalls...not bad alr ok?!considerin tt i alomost failed my eng at the end of years last yr...and's ok lahz..not realli veh bad..but not realli veh good also...was not 108/ 150 fer overalls..dun realli hav ani emotion bout it...wadeva...and damn myself!i'm readin a storybooks these daes...(not tt i dun durin the other daes..i'm lyk so perfectly guai can?!) and it's sum series type...wadeva...and i was so into itlahz..and's kind of...out of the world...but the point is..i'm kinda goin crazy over tis bloody guy tt is supposed to b a hottie in the story..and it's lyk all romantic and stuff..and freakin's makin mi feel...i dunno makes mi feel lyk i sumhow nid sum guy in my life...but realli...c'mon...i can live without guys lahz?i noe...i'm freakinly contradictin myself...and i myself dunno wad i'm tokin bout...but the more i read it..the more i feel tt i nid a guy...shit...wadeva...i'll get over it...i mean..happy endings so dun cum true rite?right!so frm now on..i'll juz b a les...((: hahaz..juz kiddin!c'mon!!i'm so not fit to b a les can?heehee...wadeva...and pls!!sumbody slap mi in the head..i'm becumin sum freak tt i dunno...mayb it's the hormones?hahaz...wadeva!!SUMBODY!!!PLS!!SLAP MI!!!FISH!!todae was borin lahz...woke up and my whole bloody body was achin lyk shit...ahfaopfphaphfpahf!!!at sch...did sum bloody survey...reuben was tellin us wad to do bout the survey when shaun shouted across the classroom and said:"REUBEN!SHOW US A BLOW JOB!" i was lyk...wad the hell?i mean's so random can?hahaz...and i burst out laughin...lolx...the whole class was in surprise...wad do u expect?it's 2r1 u're tokin in the naughtiest class in the whole level?lolx...wadeva....borin...exams are more fun...other than the no tv no hp no modem part though...lalalalala...blahz....LOVE LIVERPOOL FOREVER AND ALWAES!!((:hey me...shuddup and get a life...get over it alr!!move on wif my own life...ALISON!((:
4:40 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
OH YA!!happy mother's day!!hahaz..((:

we won the FA Cup!!!(((: Gerrard!you're the man! ((:
5:06 PM
itchy itchy scratchy scratchy...wadeva...super itchy lahz...went to pulau ubin wif my cousins..(yueming kor, a-boy kor, seng seng kor, li liang kor, kor, di, huijun jie, felicia, dajie,erjie and mi...) yest...which is sat...reached changi village...was rainin...spoilt the whole bloody god damn mood..but still went there bicycles...still rainin lyk hell...couldn't care less...erjie lead the way to sum beach...sprayed lots of insect repellant...but still kena mozzies bite...wth...after goin to the beach went to a's super super nice!!!took pics...lazy to upload it now..i'll upload it when i feel lyk it...the floor was super muddy lahz...and there's reservoirs of water in the bicycle shoe went into the mud once...and my slipper kena stucked in there...totally extremely gross!!went to one of the reservoirs to wash it..the water was pretty clear though..hahaz...went to cycle to a beach called mum mum beach..dun ask mi y it's called noes..was totally tired...and my ass seriously hurt!!!my ass was totally numb and couldn't feel a thin when i touch it..hahaz...after tt took a boat ride bac to main island..was veh tired and slept inside..hahaz...after tt went to's oni 8+...we all din wanted to go went to tamp mall there to find place to chit chat..hahaz...after tt 9+ le...hav to reach home by watch liverpool vs west ham!!!hahaz...watched the match until wan to vomit bloody lorhz..was prayin lyk hell to hav penalty kicks..hahaz...cuz i sumhow hav lots of confidence in reina..lolx...and the end we won!!yay!!!go liverpool!!!!hahaz...after tt realli cannot tahan went to slp...morn still hav trng...and the trng.....SUX!!! ew?!was super tirin lahz..totally no breath left...been a freakin long tym since i had trng..wth...haiz...well..trng is bac to normal..and i'm so gonna dread it...argh!!!wadeva....the most i die durin trng lahz..heehee...kk..fine...sumbody slap mi before i go crazy...lalalalala....tata!!!LIVERPOOL!!!!BEST CLUB EVER!!!(((:(can u pls b online?!super long tym nv tok to u liaoz....and it's the oni way i can contact u...argh!!) I LOVE LIVERPOOL!!!((((((((((((((: <3ALISON!((:
4:23 PM
Thursday, May 11, 2006
WHOHOO!!!hahaz...exam's finally over!!!!yay!!!suddenly felt veh tired and energetic at the same tym..hahaz...tired becuz of all the studyin...energetic becuz it's tym to party!!!((((:and finally!!!i hav my freedom bac!!!((:yipeeeee!!!i can go online now!!!yay!!!hahaz...omg!!and my tv!!!!heehee....well...and my hp too..but then suddenly hp seems kinda a burden now...hahaz..mayb i'm kind of used to not havin hp alr?sum how i seem to tink tt not havin a hp is when i go out sumwhere or one is able to get in touch wif mi or wadeva..and i will not hav to worry bout it till i go yeah...sum advantages...(((:hahaz...realli happy tt exams are over!! had chi paper II todae...the whole class...(ok not realli the whole class..but most of us) was crazy when tt bloody examiner said "pen's down..."hahaz...we were all cheerin lyk nobody cares...hahaz...chi paper was pretty much ok lahz...more lyk compo...they changed the whole bloody format lahz...and it's lyk all compre and oni one cloze passage?!wth..but quite ok least i noe wad they tokin bout..hahaz...after tt went to gwen's house to watch movies..hahaz...bought lots of movies there but ended up watchin oni one movie..freaky friday...hahaz...omg?!chad michael murray is so totally hot lahz!lolx...after tt used a little bit of comp..tried hackin sum bloody bitch's acc...but din succeed...sum great hackers we are...hahaz...after tt we were bored and dun feel lyk watchin animore movies so went down to play at the playground..hahaz...were playin catchin..was laughin so hard tt we were all out of breath..and couldn't run animore..lolx..went to 3? diff playgrounds...played halfway then it rain..wth?spoil the mood oni..but wadeva...went bac to the house..then went home after tt..took 88 wif izati...and i was lyk keep on sayin tt i dun wan to go home..then izati keep on remindin mi tt at least i can go online..hahaz...quite true though...the feelin of goin online is the best man!lolx...sian!tmr vesak day...can slp late!!whohoo!!!borin...i kinda miss sch...hahaz..wierd!! can't wait till mon man!!!dun ask mi y...i juz lyk it...((:
Liverpool vs West Ham on sat...Liverpool will win!!!tt's fer sure!!hahaz...but dunno whether can see it not...cuz goin pulau ubin wif my cuzzies to ride bike...hahaz...can't wait!!gtg!!!get sum sweepin done...)): post exam activities on tues?heehee...gonna hav fun!!((: tata!!!I LOVE AFTER EXAMS!!!(((:LOVE LIVERPOOL FOREVER AND ALWAES!!((:ALISON! <3(i miss the daes tt we had together...i'll nv noe when i'll see u again...been a long tym since i tok to u...miss u...<3)
4:40 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Fish! Tis sucks totally!I mean seriously!? wad’s wif all the maths question?! they dun seem to hav ani ans tt I worked out!!ok…I admit..i suck at maths..but y can’t maths juz go the way we wan?tis sucks totally!!!!argh!! !I’m goin veh veh crazy and I’m lyk tokin to myself while doin the quest lahz!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! sumone help mi!!! gosh! Sumone juz shoot mi to death then I wun b able to go fer maths exam tmr…idiot!!y muz we study maths!!ok…so it’s important and all…but tt doesn’t mean we nid algebras in our life rite?!not lyk whenever we go buy stuff and the price tags will b in algebra?! -.-""""??screw algebra!!can’t we juz hav normal maths?lyk percentage or addin or subtractin? wif NUMBERS!! Duh? I’ll die if I see another quest tt is related to maths… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! and I’m goin crazy over smarties…I alr ate lyk 5 packets or smarties while doin 10 quest lahz…and the quest is lyk short quest!? shit! I’m so goin to hav to go on diet..yeah rite…lyk I’ll survive even one dae of it..shit…I shld stop eatin smarties!!but it’s so nice!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! sumone help mi!!!! maths is asgisbffcbdfgd irritatin!!!!sumone kill the person hu invented maths?pls?or is he alr dead?hmmm… well at least put a law lyk it’s a crime to study maths?mayb?not bad huh?heehee… wadeva…I’m goin crazy!!!!!!!!wtfish!!!!ksdufghskbnfwghoeh!!
Addicted to the song Fort Minor – Where’d You Go? …
Can’t wait till exams over………………………..3 days to freedom!!!!
11:58 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
GOSH!tis whole freaking exam period is HELL!!!wth...i pissed my mum off on tues nite..and i was in hell since mum took my hp awae...plucked out the modem!!took out the main wire to the tv!!!and locked her room door so tt i can't even watch normal tv!!!!!!!!wtf?!do u noe wad it feel lyk..i feel lyk i was in a prison..and i hav lyk totally nth to connect to the ppl all..i was super bored and totally freakinly pissed at her!i cold war wif her fer the rest of the week and ignored her totally...wad do u expect?but there's an advantage to it though...i nid not worry bout how i am goin to lie to her when i go eat lunch wif the peeps...heehee...and she will not b able to contact mi anihow...heehee...wadeva..but it still sucks though..i can't wait till exam is over and i can use the comp whenever i lyk!!well..i pratically begged my mum to let mi used the comp lahz..and i took my fone frm her bag tis morn before i went out to tuition and when i went out alr then told her tt took fer sum purpose..heehee...but i'm supposed to giv it bac when i get i dun even noe when she will giv mi bac my fone lahz!!!wth!!it's so wierd without my!!!!get mi out of tis house!!!argh!!thank god she din plucked out the main wire to the comp...if not i will seriously go crazy fer not listenin to songs!!!argh!!shit tis!!can't wait to go to sch everydae man!wth...
anw...sumone founded the anti-shatan club..heehee..actually..we alr hav it..juz tt it's kinda private...but's lyk super open lahz..hahaz..we alr hav 15 or 16 members liddat alr..heehee...bel is chairman!!heehee...i'm rank 14..heehee...Alonso's number!!!((((: heehee...recruitin more members..anione wanna join?it's open to all..the more the beta..hahaz!!!btw...i'll translate fer u in case ppl is too stupid to noe wad is shatan... here's the equation......
shatan = beach = bitch = shakilah / spongebob!!!(((:
lolx...fine wadeva...juz super hate her...did lots of thins to pissed her off..lazy to blog bout it...tata!!goin bac to prison..........good luck to all those hu is havin exams!!((((:
(four days to freedom!!((((:jiayou!!!)
missin u...dunno when's the nxt tym i'll see u..but i'll tink of u.....((: hopin on every hope i see...
11:47 PM